
Open Source – Open Source : Webdesign webutvikling ord

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Open Source

A non-breaking space (also referred to as  ) is a white-space character that isn’t condensed by HTML. It’s primary function is to hold open table cells or add spacing between words (or a the beginning of paragraphs if an indent is desired).


Open Source (Engelsk)

Open source refers to the source code of a computer program being made available to the general public. Open source software includes both web-based and desktop applications. Open source programs are generally free or very low cost and are developed by teams of people, sometimes comprised mostly of volunteers.


Webskaper glossary gives you a collection of webdesign and web developing related words.

Webskaper ordbok gir deg en kolleksjon av ord som brukes i webdesign og webutvikling.

This post is also available in: English


About Aksel Lian

En selvstendig full stack webutvikler med en bred variasjon av kunnskaper herunder SEO, CMS, Webfotografi, Webutvikling inkl. kodespråk..