26 okt Nyheter, PHP oppdateringer PHP 8.1.24 released! There is a new PHP release in town! Continue reading
26 okt Nyheter, Wordpress oppdateringer WordPress 6.4’s PHP Compatibility In an effort to keep the WordPress community up to date, this post provides an update on the PHP compatibility of the upcoming WordPres... Continue reading
26 okt Nyheter, PHP oppdateringer PHP 8.2.12 released! There is a new PHP release in town! Continue reading
26 okt Chrome nettleser, Nyheter CSS prefers-reduced-transparency From Chrome 118 the new media query feature prefers-reduced-transparency from CSS Media Queries 5 is available. Non-opaque interfaces c... Continue reading
25 okt Nyheter, Wordpress oppdateringer WordPress 6.4 Release Candidate 2 The second release candidate (RC2) for WordPress 6.4 is now available! This version of the WordPress software is under development. ... Continue reading
24 okt Chrome nettleser, Nyheter Select element: now with horizontal rules The select element gets a small but mighty upgrade in Chrome 119, with a feature that also landed in Safari 17. Now, you can add <hr... Continue reading
24 okt Chrome nettleser, Nyheter CSS text-wrap: pretty From Chrome 117 you can use a new text wrapping feature—text-wrap: pretty from CSS Text Level 4. p {text-wrap: pretty;} https://... Continue reading
20 okt Nyheter, Wordpress oppdateringer State of the Word 2023 – Save the Date It’s time to save the date, December 11, 2023, for this year’s State of the Word! State of the Word is the annual keynote address de... Continue reading
19 okt Nyheter, Wordpress oppdateringer A New WordPress Showcase The journey to update WordPress.org continues with the launch of a new Showcase design. The Showcase is a natural starting point for vi... Continue reading
18 okt Google search, Nyheter Search Central Live Singapore 2023 We're excited to announce that Search Central Live Singapore is coming back this year again on November 22. As usual, the e... Continue reading