02 mar Chrome nettleser, Nyheter Tether elements to each other with CSS anchor positioning How do you currently tether one element to another? You might try tracking their positions, or use some form of wrapper element. <!-... Continue reading
01 mar Nyheter, Wordpress oppdateringer People of WordPress: Hauwa Abashiya This month we feature Hauwa Abashiya, a project manager in Nigeria and the UK, whose passion for community support led her to an advent... Continue reading
28 feb Chrome nettleser, Nyheter Prepare for Chrome’s user‑agent reduction Starting in Chrome 110 (February 2023) we are gradually introducing a fixed value for Android version and device model—the default valu... Continue reading
28 feb Chrome nettleser, Nyheter Framework tools for font fallbacks Sites that load fonts with font-display: swap often suffer from a layout shift (CLS) when the web font loads and is swapped with the fa... Continue reading
28 feb Chrome nettleser, Nyheter Improving standards of behavior in standards discussions One of the ongoing challenges in the web standards community is ensuring respectful, inclusive, and constructive conduct in standards d... Continue reading
25 feb Chrome nettleser, Nyheter DevTools Tips: Discover CSS issues Have you ever applied CSS to an element but it just doesn't work? With Chrome DevTools, you can discover CSS issues at a glance, debug,... Continue reading
25 feb Chrome nettleser, Nyheter Getting Started with Style Queries The ability to query a parent’s inline size, and container query unit values recently reached stable support in all modern browser engi... Continue reading
23 feb Chrome nettleser, Nyheter Chrome’s Headless mode gets an upgrade: introducing `–headless=new` Chrome’s Headless mode just got a whole lot better! This article presents an overview of recent engineering efforts to make Headless mo... Continue reading
22 feb Google search, Nyheter Updating Search Console users and permissions management This post discusses an update to Search Console's user and permissions to incorporate functionality related to ownership and user... Continue reading
17 feb Google search, Nyheter Don’t use 403s or 404s for rate limiting Over the last few months we noticed an uptick in website owners and some content delivery networks (CDNs) attempting to use 404 a... Continue reading